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When I try to launch the Palisade software, I get the error message
Automation error: Library not registered
Method '~' of object '~' failed
I've tried repairing the Palisade software, but that didn't help.
This appears to be due to an error in the System Registry entries for Excel, not Palisade. If you have Excel 2007 and you have the option to upgrade to 2010, several users reported that upgrading fixed their problem.
This error is especially likely if you have multiple versions of Excel and uninstall one of them. In that case, one or more keys in the System Registry are left behind pointing to the version of Excel that no longer exists. To remove these "orphan" keys, please follow the procedure in Removing Outdated References to Office from the System Registry.
There's a special case, as of 2017-11-30. When you install Skype for Business 2016, it installs this System Registry key:
That key refers to Office 2016, and if you don't have Office 2016 that's a problem, not just for @RISK but for other programs such as Microsoft Word. If your Palisade software was working, and it stops working when you install Skype for Business 2016, and you don't have Office 2016 installed, remove that key.
See also: "Method '~' of object '~' failed" (at Startup)
Additional keywords: Error 2147319779, -2147319779
last edited: 2018-02-12