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3.15. Redirecting Concurrent Clients to a New Server or Port Number

Disponible en español: Redirigiendo los Clientes Concurrentes a un Nuevo Servidor o Número de Puerto

Applies to:
Palisade Concurrent Network software 6.x/7.x/8.x

Enterprise Network clients don't connect to your server after activation, so there's no need to update them when you change port number or server name.

How do I change port numbers or server names on existing Concurrent Network clients?

(This section applies only to Concurrent Network clients. Enterprise Network clients don’t connect to your server after activation, so there’s no need to update them when you change port number or server name.)

Please see Port Numbers for changes on the server.

If you change or specify the Palisade port (vendor daemon port) on the server, you probably don’t need to do anything on the existing clients. However, if you had to open the old port as a remote port on the clients’ firewalls, you will need to update their firewall settings to open the new port.

If you change the lmgrd port on the server, you will need to make corresponding changes on any clients that are already installed. You will also need to update the clients if you change servers or rename the server.

The port number (if specified) and server name are stored on the client in a System Registry key:

  • 64-bit Windows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WOW6432Node\FLEXlm License Manager\PALISADE_LICENSE_FILE

  • 32-bit Windows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FLEXlm License Manager\PALISADE_LICENSE_FILE

The information in that key came from the Palisade_NetworkClient.ini file at install time. You can change it later through License Manager in the end-user software, or directly in the System Registry.

Redirecting a Client, Method 1 – End-User Software

If you have only a few installed clients, it’s probably easiest to change the information through the software:

  1. Run @RISK (or other licensed Palisade software), with full administrative rights by right clicking and choosing Run as Administrator. (It doesn’t matter which Palisade software you run, because all applications use the same license path.)

  2. Click on the @RISK icon on the left hand side, and then click License Manager.

  3. Click Select License and then the settings cog to open Manage Network Server Connections.

  4. Select the old portnumber@servername or @servername, and click Delete.

  5. Click Import Client.ini and browse to the Palisade_NetworkClient.ini file that you created on the new server.

As an alternative to steps 4 and 5, you can select the old server information in the list and click Edit.

If you opened the old lmgrd port as a remote port in the client’s firewall, change the firewall setting to match the new port.

Redirecting a Client, Method 2 – Registry Edit

You may prefer to change the lmgrd port number by editing the System Registry key mentioned above. If the lmgrd port number is specified on the server, the data in the client’s System Registry key should be in the form


If the lmgrd port is Dynamic on the server, the System Registry data on the client should have the form


There could be multiple servers, separated by semicolons. PalisadeSystemFolder is the System folder under the main folder where the Palisade client software is installed. By default, that is C:\Program Files (x86)\Palisade\System in 64-bit Windows, or C:\Program Files\Palisade\System in 32-bit Windows.


27003@ourserver;C:\Program Files\Palisade\System
@ourserver;C:\Program Files\Palisade\System
27003@ourserver;C:\Program Files\Palisade (x86)\System
@ourserver;C:\Program Files\Palisade (x86)\System


If you opened the old lmgrd port as a remote port in the client’s firewall, change the firewall setting to match the new port.

You can set up a .REG file if you wish. Follow this pattern for 64-bit Windows:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"PALISADE_LICENSE_FILE"="27003@ourserver;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Palisade\\System"


or this pattern for 32-bit Windows:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"PALISADE_LICENSE_FILE"="27003@ourserver;C:\\Program Files\\Palisade\\System"


If the lmgrd port on the server is not specified (port is Dynamic in Server Manager), omit the port number but keep the @ sign in the .REG file.

Last edited: 2024-04-30

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