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Common problems and solutions.
1. Installation
1.1. The digital signature has been tampered with after the content was signed. This content cannot be trusted
1.2. .NET on 64-bit Systems
1.3. Install Failure: .NET 1.1
1.4. Installer Freezes at 100%
1.5. EXE Installer Rolls Back without Explanation
1.6. MSI Installer Runs, Then Rolls Back
1.7. Installer Just Shows a Windows Installer Help Message
1.8. Antivirus Software Has Blocked The Installer
1.9. Problems in Silent Install
1.10. Need 64-bit Version of Palisade Software
1.11. Textbook Software Installs as Trial Version
1.12. "Another installation is in progress."
1.13. "Could not access network location"
1.14. "Could not access VBScript run time for custom action"
1.15. "Could not open key" during install of 5.5
1.16. "Error 1304. Error writing to file OptQuestNET.dll."
1.17. "Error 1316. A network error occurred" in a 6.x/7.x install
1.18. "Error 1316. A network error occurred" in StatTools 5.5 install
1.19. "Error 1316. The specified account already exists."
1.20. "Error 1324. The path My Documents contains an invalid character."
1.21. "Error 1325: Documents is not a valid short file name"
1.22. "Error 1327: Invalid Drive (I:\ F:\ D:\ H:\)"
1.23. "Error 1606. Could not access network location %HOMESHARE%\My Documents\"
1.24. "Error 1905. Module ... failed to unregister."
1.25. "Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of assembly ..."
1.26. "Error 1940: Module ... PalGraph5Server failed to register"
1.27. "Error 2908. Could not register component"
1.28. "Failed to load FNP_Act_Installer.dll"
1.29. "Invalid Key Code" (Releases 1.x and 4.x)
1.30. "Key not valid for use in specified state."
1.31. "Msvcrt40.dll could not be opened"
1.32. "PalFlex5.dll" during silent install of 5.7
1.33. "Setup was unable to activate the Activation ID ..."
1.34. "This app can't run on your PC" (at install time)
1.35. "This installation package could not be opened."
1.36. "This installer requires a certificate license ..."
2. All Products: Startup
2.1. Running DecisionTools Add-in “as Administrator” Can Block Future Access to Registry Keys that Store Preferences and Other Information
2.2. I've installed the software. Why don't I see it in Excel?
2.3. Nothing Happens When I Launch the Software
2.4. Excel Closes after the Software Loads
2.5. Find and Fix Startup Conflicts (Excel 2007 and Newer)
2.6. Find and Fix Startup Conflicts (Excel 2003 and Earlier)
2.7. Palisade Software Loads Whenever You Run Excel
2.8. Application Settings Don't Persist
2.9. Old Version Appears Even after an Upgrade
2.10. License Manager Says Maintenance Has Expired, But We Renewed It
2.11. One User Doesn't Get the Activated License
2.12. Concurrent Network Client Takes Very Long to Start
2.13. Concurrent Network Client Requests Activation ID (5.x only)
2.14. @RISK Creates Add-Ins Tab in Ribbon, with Tiny Icons
2.15. @RISK Creates Empty Add-Ins Tab in Ribbon
2.16. @RISK Initializes, But No Tab Appears in Ribbon
2.17. @RISK Turns NumLock Off
2.18. CmdBarData Registry Key
2.19. "... requires Excel 2007 or higher."
2.20. "/R .xlsx could not be found."
2.21. "@RISK cannot be started because of the following Office security setting ... automationsecurity=3"
2.22. "@RISK cannot be started because of the following Excel security setting ... noextensibilitycustomizationfromdocument=1"
2.23. "ActiveX Component Can't Create Object (@RISK)"
2.24. "ActiveX Component Can't Create Object (StatTools and NeuralTools)"
2.25. "Authorization failure ... TransactNamedPipe"
2.26. "Automation error: %1 is not a valid Win32 application"
2.27. "Automation error: A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed."
2.28. "Automation Error. Element not found."
2.29. "Automation error: Interface not registered"
2.30. "Automation error: Library not registered"
2.31. "Automation error: The callee (server [not server application]) is not available:
2.32. "Automation error: The remote procedure call failed."
2.33. "Cannot checkout an uncounted license ..."
2.34. "ClassFactory cannot supply requested class" (@RISK for Project)
2.35. "ClassFactory cannot supply requested class" (TopRank)
2.36. "Compile error in hidden module"
2.37. "Compile error in hidden module: AddinInitialization"
2.38. "Could not attach to the already running copy of Microsoft Excel"
2.39. "Could not contact the Microsoft Excel application"
2.40. "Could not initialize the @RISK-Model application"
2.41. "Could not launch the Excel executable"
2.42. "Could not load ATHLIB32.DLL" (Commercial Software)
2.43. "Could not load ATHLIB32.DLL" (Textbook Software)
2.44. "Could not start the Microsoft Excel application"
2.45. "Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost."
2.46. "Error code 50030 populating a FLEXnet License Specification"
2.47. "Error in loading DLL" (at Startup)
2.48. "Failed to load ... Palflex5.dll"
2.49. "FAILURE: License is broken."
2.50. Broken License? Do-It-Yourself Repair (No Repair Button)
2.51. Broken License? Do-It-Yourself Repair (7.5.1 or newer)
2.52. "FAILURE: Unable to reach a network server."
2.53. "File not found: DTOOLS5.XLL"
2.54. "FLEXnet returned error code –1"
2.55. "FLEXnet returned error code –5"
2.56. "FLEXnet returned error code –7" (7.x software)
2.57. "FLEXnet returned error code –7" (5.x software)
2.58. "FLEXnet returned error code –12"
2.59. "FLEXnet returned error code –20"
2.60. "FLEXnet returned error code –76"
2.61. "FLEXnet returned error code –97" (standalone)
2.62. "FLEXnet returned error code –97" (network client)
2.63. "FLEXnet returned error code –103"
2.64. "FLEXnet returned error code –157"
2.65. "FLEXnet returned error code –158"
2.66. "Method '~' of object '~' failed" (at Startup)
2.67. "Method 'ExecuteCommand' of object '_PalUtil' failed"
2.68. "Method 'ExecuteRiskCommand' of object '_RiskOL' failed"
2.69. "Method 'InitializeEx2' of object '_RiskOL' failed"
2.70. "Microsoft Excel has identified a potential security concern."
2.71. "Not enough system resources to display completely."
2.72. "Object disposed."
2.73. "Object doesn't support this property or method"
2.74. "Object variable or With block variable not set" (Windows 7 and Vista)
2.75. "Object variable or With block variable not set" (Windows 8)
2.76. "PalFlexServer6 Application has encountered a problem and needs to close."
2.77. "PalGraph7Server has stopped working"
2.78. "PalMemLoadDll exception"
2.79. "Problem Event name BEX"
2.80. "RISKOptimizer initialization failed"
2.81. "The current system code page is incompatible with this program."
2.82. "The trial license was not successfully loaded"
2.83. "There is no available license" (network client)
2.84. "This add-in requires Excel to use the system separators."
2.85. "This app can't run on your PC" (at run time)
2.86. "This workbook has lost its VBA project."
2.87. "Timeout creating the named pipe"
2.88. "Timeout error starting ... PalFlexServer.exe"
2.89. "Unable to cast COM object"
2.90. "Unable to create reference to RiskModel6.Server"
2.91. "Unable to load ... PalFlex_x86.dll"
2.92. "Unable to load ... Dtools5.xll"
2.93. "Unable to load ... Dtools6..."
2.94. "Unable to load ... Dtools7..."
2.95. "Unable to read product language"
2.96. "Unable to set the installed property ..."
2.97. "Using ... via remote access or Terminal Services is not allowed ..."
2.98. "Versions Allowed with this Maintenance: 7.0.0-7.5.0"
2.99. "You have one or more open workbooks with associated VBA macros. ..."
2.100. Excel prompts for "VBA Project" or "VBA Converter"
2.101. White X in Red Circle, No Error Text
2.102. Updating @RISK 6.x or 7.x Automation Code to Run in @RISK 8.x
3. All Products: Other Issues
3.1. Repair of Palisade Software
3.2. Repair of Excel or Project
3.3. Clean Uninstall and Reinstall of Palisade Software
3.4. Shorter Uninstall and Reinstall of Palisade 6.x/7.x Software
3.5. I try to edit a Palisade 7.0 report, but it looks like I'm editing a different worksheet.
3.6. I try to edit a Palisade 6.x report, but it looks like I'm editing a different worksheet.
3.7. After Upgrading, My Standalone License Is Gone
3.8. After Upgrading, My Network Client License Is Gone
3.9. After Renewing, Network License Shows Old Expiration Date
3.10. License Lost on Upgrading Windows 8.1 Preview to Final
3.11. Display Problems with Multiple Monitors
3.12. Quick Start or Guided Tour Videos Don't Play
3.13. Errors on One Computer, OK on Another
3.14. Intermittent Errors in Excel 2013 or 2016
3.15. Workbook Recomputes Itself Periodically
3.16. "Borrowing is not allowed for this license."
3.17. "Can't find project or library."
3.18. All Articles about "Method '~' of object '~' failed"
3.19. All Articles about "Object variable or With block variable not set"
3.20. "Microsoft Excel cannot open or save any more documents ..."
3.21. "PalOutOfProcessServer has stopped working"
3.22. "Run-time error '-2147417856 (80010100)' "
3.23. "Run-time error '-2147417848 (80010108)' "
3.24. "Some files can contain viruses. ..." When Opening Example Spreadsheets
3.25. "Sorry, we couldn't find StatTools.xla." (or Evolver.xla, etc.)
3.26. "The certificate has expired or is not yet valid."
3.27. "The deactivation cannot proceed because not enough time has passed"
3.28. "The specified dimension is not valid for the current chart type."
3.29. "This graph was made with a non-commercial version of @RISK."
3.30. "Unable to load response file."
3.31. @RISK Ribbon Grayed Out
3.32. Borrowing a 5.x License: NLicense Doesn't Display Activation ID
3.33. Invalid procedure call or argument
3.34. Run-time error: "Argument out of range" / "Argument: Product" in Server Manager
4. @RISK for Excel: Simulation
4.1. Progress Window Not Displayed during Simulation
4.2. Progress Window Freezes at "Initializing ... 100%"
4.3. Simulation Crashes with Increased Number of Iterations
4.4. Smart Sensitivity Analysis Occurs Even When Disabled
4.5. Calculation Changed to Manual by a Simulation?
4.6. Calculation Changed to Manual while Browsing Results?
4.7. Multiple CPU — Only One CPU Runs
4.8. Multiple CPU — Blocks of Errors in Simulated Outputs
4.9. Multiple Simulations All Show the Same Data
4.10. Correlation Matrix from StatTools Not Accepted
4.11. Change in Output Mean Inconsistent with Sensitivity Tornado
4.12. Same Input Appears Twice in Tornado Graph
4.13. Tornado Graph Is Missing an Input
4.14. Input on Tornado Graph Is Not a Precedent
4.15. Tornado Graph Can't Show All Simulations
4.16. Outputs with Small Means Don't Converge
4.17. Convergence by Standard Deviation: Always Same Number of Iterations
4.18. Missing Results Graph
4.19. Window Opens Briefly, Then Closes
4.20. Can't Move Delimiters or Change Percentages
4.21. Restoring Theoretical Distribution in a Results Graph
4.22. Sum of Percentiles Differs from Percentile of the Sum
4.23. Incorrect Percentiles for Date Distributions
4.24. "Error!" or #QNAN for Distributions in an IF( ) Function
4.25. Reports Do Not Appear after Simulation
4.26. Delimiter Setting Ignored by RiskResultsGraph( )
4.27. Min or Max Setting Ignored by RiskResultsGraph( )
4.28. Template Report Contains Formulas in Place of Numbers
4.29. Unwanted Results Summary Window Appears
4.30. Simulation Used to Run, Now Crashes Excel
4.31. "An exception of unknown type has occurred."
4.32. "Authorization failure" When Simulating
4.33. "Cannot make a sheet to hold correlation information in protected workbook"
4.34. "DTools7_x64.XLL cannot be accessed."
4.35. "Exception of Type PalExcelError" in @RISK 5.x
4.36. "Exception of type PalPipeError"
4.37. "Exception of type PalSystemError" (@RISK 5.0)
4.38. "The formula ... could not be correctly parsed"
4.39. "Found invalid formula ... Continue without detecting RiskMakeInput precedents properly?"
4.40. "Found invalid formula ... Continue without Smart Sensitivity Analysis?"
4.41. "GetPassword cannot be found."
4.42. "Method '~' of object '~' failed" (in Simulation)
4.43. "No inputs collected - no sensitivity results available."
4.44. "No inputs found that affect this output" instead of Tornado Graph
4.45. "No values to graph" Message / All Errors in Simulation Data
4.46. "Non-modal forms cannot be displayed in this host application from an ActiveX DLL, ActiveX control, or Property Page."
4.47. "Not enough memory to run simulation"
4.48. "Object initialized twice" When Launching Palisade Software
4.49. "Object initialized twice" at End of Simulation
4.50. "Open method of Workbooks class failed"
4.51. "Out of Memory"
4.52. "Out of stack space"
4.53. "PalFlexServer6 Application has encountered a problem and needs to close"
4.54. "Protected Workbook: This operation cannot be performed ..."
4.55. "The cell ... is part of an array formula."
4.56. "The correlation matrix ... has multiple inputs assigned to the same matrix position."
4.57. "The correlation matrix ... is not square."
4.58. "The correlation matrix at ... is not self-consistent."
4.59. "The correlation matrix at .... specifies an invalid column."
4.60. "The Excel name "..." has a character not in the current code page."
4.61. "The Excel name "..." refers to "...", which has a character not in the current code page."
4.62. "The exception unknown software exception (0xe06d7363) occurred ..."
4.63. "The RiskMakeInput distribution ... may not be correlated."
4.64. "The worksheet name '...' has a character not in the current code page."
4.65. "This selection isn't valid" in Quick Reports
4.66. "Type mismatch" at End of Simulation
5. @RISK for Excel: Optimization (RISKOptimizer)
5.1. Where's RISKOptimizer 6.x/7.x?
5.2. RISKOptimizer Not in @RISK Tab of Ribbon
5.3. "Subscript out of range" with Efficient Frontier Optimization
5.4. "Unable to run macro tool during optimization."
5.5. Where's the RISKOptimizer Tab (5.x)?
5.6. NA in Status Bar at Start of Optimization
5.7. Correlations Ignored (RISKOptimizer 5.5.0)
6. @RISK with Projects
6.1. @RISK 6.x/7.x Doesn't Appear in Microsoft Project
6.2. Missing Project Icon in @RISK 6.x/7.x
6.3. Project Not Linked in @RISK 6.x/7.x
6.4. After Importing Project, Excel Workbook Isn't Created
6.5. Filter Button Gray in Excel
6.6. Standard Engine Used, but "Check Engine" Says OK for Accelerated
6.7. Finish Date Unexpectedly Skewed
6.8. Dates in Project Simulations Are Wrong by 100 Years
6.9. Continuous Output Data Graphed as Discrete
6.10. Summary Task Doesn't Sum the Durations of Subtasks
6.11. Tasks Not Linked in Gantt Chart
6.12. Tasks and Resources Blank in Excel after Importing Project
6.13. Milestone Tasks Overlooked by Schedule Audit
6.14. Task Duration Not Changed by RiskProjectAddDelay
6.15. Tasks Start before Project Start Date
6.16. Error in Outputs with Probabilistic Branching
6.17. "@RISK's Project commands require a copy of Microsoft Project."
6.18. "An error has occurred linking the selected project ..."
6.19. "Can't create Gantt chart using the specified date format in Project."
6.20. "Error in loading DLL" (when importing .MPP)
6.21. "Error linking the opened workbook with the associated .MPP file."
6.22. "Error linking the opened workbook with the associated .MPP file." (6.0/6.1)
6.23. "Error opening the selected project"
6.24. "Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application" (with MPP files)
6.25. "Object variable or With block variable not set" when Importing MPP File
6.26. "The file was created by a newer version of Microsoft Office Project"
6.27. Regression Coefficients Incorrect in Quick Reports (@RISK 4.x)
6.28. Tutorial Does Not Run (@RISK 4.x)
6.29. Tutorial Does Not Run in Firefox, Opera, ... (@RISK 4.x)
6.30. Tutorial Has Audio, No Video (@RISK 4.x)
6.31. "All text fields are used in this project!" (@RISK 4.x)
6.32. "Can't graph ... single calculated value" (@RISK 4.x)
6.33. "Error defining output ...Please check the RiskOutput functions" (@RISK 4.x)
6.34. "Error on page" (@RISK 4.x)
6.35. "File not found" (@RISK 4.x)
6.36. "Object library invalid or contains references ..." (@RISK 4.x)
6.37. "The argument value is not valid." (@RISK 4.x)
6.38. Issues with Microsoft Project Files crashing Excel
7. @RISK for Excel: Library
7.1. Library Can't Find SQL Servers on Other Computers
7.2. Library Can't Connect to Networked Database
7.3. "Error opening parent key"
7.4. "The @RISK Library has been disabled."
7.5. "The @RISK Library has not finished loading."
7.6. "The @RISK Library is not available because a connection ..."
7.7. "Unable to initialize RiskLibrary object."
8. @RISK for Excel: Other Issues
8.1. Results Not as Expected (Debugging Tips)
8.2. Footprint Button Grayed Out
8.3. Footprint Mode Shows Different Values from Data Window
8.4. Excel Files with @RISK Grow Too Large
8.5. #NAME Errors in Place of Distribution Functions
8.6. #NAME Errors in Place of Capital IQ Functions
8.7. #SPILL Errors in Place of Distribution Functions
8.8. #VALUE Errors in Place of Distribution Functions
8.9. #VALUE Errors When Opening Workbook
8.10. #VALUE Errors in Corrected Correlation Matrix
8.11. @RISK Functions Don't Reappear after Swapping Out
8.12. Toolbar Appears, But Every Button Does Nothing
8.13. Define Distributions and Browse Results Do Nothing
8.14. Define Distributions, Add Output, and Define Correlations Do Nothing
8.15. Define Distributions Does Nothing, Results Graph Stuck at "Simulation Starting"
8.16. Define Distributions Freezes When I Select a Distribution
8.17. No Distributions in Define Distributions Dialog
8.18. Distribution Formula Shows Garbage Characters after the Value
8.19. Import MPP File Does Nothing
8.20. Color Cells Not Working
8.21. No Statistics Table in Browse Results
8.22. @RISK Mini-Toolbar Does Not Appear
8.23. Mini-Toolbar and Context Menu Missing
8.24. RiskCorrmat Ignored in F9 Recalculation
8.25. Distribution Fitting Won't fit Student's t to My Data
8.26. Excel Seems to Freeze When Deleting Correlation Matrix
8.27. @RISK Changes Simulation Settings When Non-@RISK Workbook Is Opened
8.28. @RISK Changes Worksheet Formulas
8.29. Chart in Excel Graphs Only 200 Data Points
8.30. Detailed Statistics Report in Excel is Pivoted
8.31. Pasted Graph Loses Some Details
8.32. Advanced Sensitivity Analysis Shows no Variation
8.33. Macro Doesn't Store Values to Workbook
8.34. GraphDistribution Method in VBA Fails
8.35. "A DecisionTools error occurred."
8.36. "Cannot run the macro 'AdvTools5.xla!TBGoalSeekMain'."
8.37. "Could not initialize Goal Seek"
8.38. "Could not read data from file ...tmp."
8.39. "Error calling the macro ..."
8.40. "Invalid matrix location" when Defining Correlations
8.41. "Method '~' of object '~' failed" (Quick Reports)
8.42. "Method 'Initialize' of object '_RiskOL' failed"
8.43. "Object not initialized"
8.44. "Object variable or With block variable not set"
8.45. "Output range is too large"
8.46. "The data in the workbook ... is invalid"
8.47. "The function DtoolsVersion did not register properly."
8.48. "The macro 'AdvTools5.xla!TBSenseMain' cannot be found."
8.49. "The standard edition of RISK may not be automated."
8.50. "The workbook ... has @RISK simulation settings stored in it. ...
8.51. "These simulation results cannot be opened."
8.52. "This formula generates an error."
8.53. "Type mismatch" Prevents Distribution Fitting
8.54. Excel TRUE Format For RiskResultsGraph
9. BigPicture
9.1. Trouble with Data Maps and Org Charts
9.2. BigPicture Doesn't Show in Ribbon, or Gets Error 53
9.3. "Initialization Error: Localization.ProductLanguage"
9.4. "Initialization Error: Shapes Initialization"
10. Evolver and RISKOptimizer
10.1. Evolver or RISKOptimizer Doesn't Find Best Solution
10.2. Optimization Makes Faster Progress if I Stop and Restart It
10.3. Efficient Frontier Doesn't Allow an '=' Constraint
10.4. "Error in loading DLL" (at Start of Optimization)
10.5. "Specified optimization settings are not supported with OptQuest."
10.6. "With integer adjustable cells, the OptQuest optimization engine requires ..."
11. NeuralTools
11.1. Different Results from Training Same Data
11.2. "This key is already associated with an element of this collection"
12. PrecisionTree
12.1. Context Menu Wrong in PrecisionTree 6.x and 7.x
12.2. Context Menu Wrong in PrecisionTree 5.5
12.3. Policy Suggestion Skips Decisions behind a Reference Node
12.4. #N/A for Some Iterations When Simulating a Decision Tree
12.5. #VALUE in Tree with Utility Function
12.6. #VALUE for all Numbers in New Tree
12.7. "Decision Tree ... exceeds the size limit of the professional edition."
12.8. "Object variable or With block variable not set" (PrecisionTree 1.0)
12.9. "PrecisionTree has detected ... a workbook saved in Excel 2000-2003 format"
12.10. "This would cause the model to exceed the maximum of 5000 nodes. ..."
12.11. "Type mismatch" when Chance Node Probabilities Don't Total 100%
12.12. "Type mismatch" with Linked Node (PrecisionTree)
13. StatTools
13.1. Incorrect Inferences on Paired Data (StatTools 6)
13.2. Kurtosis Different from Excel's Computation
13.3. Regression Dialog Too Large for Screen
13.4. StatTools Crashes On Most Menu Selections
13.5. Data Set Manager Shows No Variables
13.6. Data Set for Predictions Can't Be the Data Set for Regression
13.7. "Defaults error" when Running a Regression
13.8. "Must have at least two more data points than independent variables."
13.9. "Subscript out of range" or "Excel has stopped working" in Stepwise Regression
13.10. "This action cannot be performed because the Transition Formula Evaluation option is selected ..."
14. TopRank
14.1. "No outputs or inputs to display"
14.2. "Risk.xla cannot be found"
14.3. "TopRank cannot be loaded because it is unable to match ..."
14.4. "TopRank Results" in TopRank 6.2
15. @RISK Developer Kit (RDK)
15.1. "RDK authorization invalid"
15.2. "Retrieving the COM class factory ... error: 80040154."
15.3. "The network quota has been reached."
15.4. "Too many outputs"
16. Evolver Developer Kit (EDK)
16.1. "Nonstandard extension used: '_huge' "
17. Issues while Uninstalling
17.1. "[700]LSUD cannot use ... PalFlex7_x86.dll"
17.2. "Another program is being installed."
17.3. "Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue."
17.4. "Error: Failed to load ... FnpCommsSoap.dll"
18. Network Server Issues
18.1. "Cannot find license file"
18.2. "Component 'Codejock.Controls.Unicode.v17.1.0.ocx' ... not correctly registered"
18.3. "Component CODEJO~2.OCX ... not correctly registered"
18.4. "Error applying Transform. Make sure that the specified transform paths are valid."
18.5. "Feature ... does not support borrowing ..."
18.6. "Invalid MAX_BORROW_HOURS value specified"
18.7. Palisade exited with status 255" / "Winsock: invalid address
18.8. "Path/File access error"
18.9. "The license server manager (lmgrd) is already serving all vendors, exiting."
18.10. "The license you just activated is not usable ..."
18.11. "Unable to clear temp file at ... PalServerStatus.txt"
18.12. "Unable to load PalNetSvrUtil7_x86.dll"
18.13. "You must have full administrative privileges to run this program."
18.14. LMTOOLS Crashes When Displaying System Settings
18.15. FLEXlm License Manager Times Out (Error -15,570)
18.16. FLEXnet Error: "Exiting due to signal 27"
18.17. FLEXnet error: "Exiting due to signal 28"
18.18. FLEXnet Error: "Exiting due to signal 32"
18.19. FLEXnet error: "exited with status 58"
18.20. Two Copies of LMGRD Running
18.21. Server.lic.bak file
18.22. Server install (5.7): "A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file ..."
18.23. Palisade Server Manager won't Start Service
18.24. Missing DTS.dat file
Troubleshooting: Printer Friendly Version