Home → Techniques and Tips → BigPicture → Undoing a Change in a BigPicture Map
Applies to: BigPicture, all releases
I made a change in my BigPicture, but then I realized I had made a mistake. I clicked Excel's Undo icon in the ribbon, but the change seems to be permanent. Does BigPicture break Excel's undo?
BigPicture and Excel have separate Undo stacks. Excel's Undo is in the Quick Access Toolbar at the top left of the Excel ribbon. BigPicture's Undo is on the BigPicture tab of the ribbon, in the Edit section near the right-hand end of the ribbon.
Use Excel's Undo to undo Excel operations, and BigPicture's Undo to undo BigPicture operations.
Last edited: 2015-09-18