Palisade Knowledge Base

HomeTroubleshootingInstallation"Could not access network location"

1.13. "Could not access network location"

I bought a textbook, and I'm trying to install the software that comes with the textbook. During install, I get this message:

Error 1606. Could not access network location

The textbook installer first creates a license and then downloads the main software installer as a CAB-type file. Something on your system is preventing that second download. Please contact Palisade Technical Support for assistance. To avoid delays, please include a screen shot of the error message, plus the title and edition of your textbook and the ISBN.

I'm trying to install Palisade software in a virtual machine. During install, I get this message:

Error 1606. Could not access network location \\vmware-host\Shared Folders\...

This is usually a VMWare issue. Please follow these procedures from the VMWare Knowledge Base and VMWare users:

If you need further assistance, please contact VMWare for support, or if possible install the software in your real machine. Palisade Technical Support is unable to troubleshoot issues with VMWare's shared folders.

Last edited: 2016-03-31

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