Home → Troubleshooting → Installation → "Error 1316. The specified account already exists."
Applies to: All products
During install, I get this message:
Error 1316. the specified account already exists.
Are you installing with full administrative rights? To make certain that you are, right-click the installer and select Run as administrator.
The next most likely explanation is some bad registry entries. Microsoft offers a tool to solve these sorts of install and uninstall problems; please see Fix problems that block programs from being installed or removed. When the fix-it tool asks what you're trying to install, select "not listed" unless you're installing the exact same version that was previously installed. For example, both 7.5.0 and 7.5.1 would show up as 7.5 in the list in the fix-it tool, but they are different installers so you would select "not listed" if you're installing 7.5.1 over 7.5.0.
Last edited: 2017-01-20