Palisade Knowledge Base

HomeStandalone LicensesActivation (6.x/7.x/8.x)Activating Palisade 6.x/7.x/8.x Standalone Software

2.1. Activating Palisade 6.x/7.x/8.x Standalone Software

Disponible en español: Activación del Software Palisade 6.x/7.x (Licencias Individuales)
Disponível em português: Ativando Software Palisade 6.x/7.x Standalone

Applies to:
All non-networked versions, releases 6.x/7.x/8.x
(This does not apply to @RISK for Project, the Developer Kits, and other 1.x or 4.x releases.)

(During the install, you're prompted for an activation ID. If you enter it, the software will try to activate itself. If this succeeds, you will not see an activation prompt when you launch the software, and you can ignore the rest of this article.)

1. Launch the software. A window will appear showing the number of days remaining in your trial. Click Continue with Trial to test the software but defer activating, or click License Manager to bring up the Palisade License Manager window and activate the software. (If your trial period has expired, the Palisade License Manager window will appear with no trial window.)

2. On the Palisade License Manager screen, click Activate, then when prompted fill in your Activation ID, including hyphens. (If possible, copy/paste the Activation ID from the email you received, rather than try to retype it.) If you get a message about a mismatched product, don't select Continue. You have installed the wrong product for your license, or you're using a wrong Activation ID for this product. Contact your IT department or Palisade for assistance.

3. Click Automatic Activation. It may take up to 60 seconds for a response from our server, if a connection can be made. If you get a success message, your activation is complete. Click OK, and you can begin using the software.

If Automatic Activation fails, there are several possible reasons: Maybe this license is already activated and has not been deactivated? Maybe your firewall won't let your computer complete the transaction with Palisade's server? Maybe the computer isn't connected to the Internet? Maybe you don't have full administrative rights? The software should tell you the nature of the problem.

If the license is already activated, you need to deactivate it on the other computer before you can activate it on this one. If that is impossible, please contact for assistance and include your full Activation ID and a summary of the circumstances. If Automatic Activation fails for any other reason, please follow the Manual Activation procedure.

Manual Activation

Verify the Activation ID in the Palisade License Activation window and click Manual Activation » Save Request File. Save the file somewhere where you can find it easily. Then click the Web or Email button in the software to send the file to Palisade. The Web method is usually faster, because you don't have to wait for someone to reply to an email. When you get the response file, via web or Email, load it into the software.

Please note: If this is the first Palisade activation on this computer, Manual Activation requires a second request-response cycle. The License manager will guide you through this if it's required.


Manual Activation — No Internet

If this computer has no Internet, the easiest thing is to take the Request File on a USB stick to a computer that does have Internet, and then submit it on our Web site or email it to Technical Support.

Is your computer in a secured area? For security reasons, are you prohibited from taking files from it to an unsecured computer? In that case, please contact Technical Support to request a workstation certificate license. In the email, please include:

  • A brief description of the circumstances.
  • Your Activation ID.
  • To the best of your knowledge, how long the software will be used on this same computer.
  • The Host ID from the computer where the software is installed. To find this, run the software. If License Manager does not come up spontaneously, select it from the Help menu. In License Manager, click the magnifying glass at lower left, and then on the Advanced Options screen click the Host ID button. We need the 12-digit FLEXnet Host ID from the third line of the display window, and the HOSTNAME from the last line.

Please don't request a workstation certificate unless you need to. Certificate licenses are less flexible than regular activatable licenses. They are less easily transferred, and they must be renewed at least once a year.

Review or Change Licenses

At any time in the software, click Help and then License Manager to review your license. If you have other licenses on this same computer, you can view them by clicking Select License.

Additional keywords: Activate, How to activate, Activation procedure

last edited: 2020-03-20

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