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HomeNetwork GuideServer SetupStep 1: Install Server Software

1.3. Step 1: Install Server Software

Disponible en español: Paso 1: Instalación del Software de Servidor

Applies to:
Palisade Server Manager 6.x/7.x/8.x

Do I need to install a new version of Server Manager?

If you already have a 8.x version of our server software on this server, you can skip this step. See What if I already have a Palisade 8.x license on this server? for more information.

Please check the table. If you already have a version of Server Manager that is compatible with your license and client software, there is no need to install a new one, unless there is a new feature or bug fix you want to take advantage of. See Server Manager Version History.

Server Manager Releases

End User Software Releases
8.x 7.5.2–
If you're also installing end-user software on the license server ... If end-user software won't be installed on the license server ...
Because they share some system files, client and server software must be the same three-digit version number. Within a major version, it doesn't matter if the client software is an older or newer version than the server software. For instance, client software or license version 7.0.0, 7.0.1, 7.5.0, or 7.5.1 will all work equally well with any Server Manager 7.0.0 or newer. 6.x licenses and client software will work with Server Manager 7.x, but 7.x client software and licenses will not work with Server Manager 6.x.

Exception: Whether installed on the license server or on end-user machines, 7.5.2 or newer clients require 7.5.2 or newer license server software and will not work with earlier versions. If you're planning to upgrade your end users from Palisade software 7.5.1 or older to the current release, you must first upgrade Server Manager. Earlier versions of client software will still work with the current server software, and release 7.6.0 clients will work with 7.5.2 or newer server software.

How do I perform the server install?

If you have an earlier version of Server Manager already installed, don't uninstall it. The new version will overwrite it, but will carry forward all licenses and option settings.

Upgrading from 5.x: There was no Palisade Server Manager for version 5.x software. The Server Manager installer will disable the old license software but will not remove it. Server Manager will take over the administration of your 5.x licenses. You can delete the 5.x license software if you wish, either through Control Panel » Programs and Features (look for a product name followed by "Network Edition") or by deleting the C:\Program Files (x86)\FLEXnet\Palisade or C:\Program Files\FLEXnet\Palisade folder. Don't create a new 5.x license process; that may render all your licenses unusable.

Simply download the server installer from the link you received in email, and run it as administrator.

Which version of FLEXnet software do you use?


Caution: Do not alter any of the files in the NetServer folder, except as instructed in this Guide or by Palisade Technical Support. Our software uses the .lic and .opt files in customized ways that don’t always match the standard FLEXnet usage.

Palisade installs its own copy of lmgrd and the vendor daemon, so there should be no interference with FLEXnet licenses or software from other vendors, provided you don't let different vendors' license software use the same port numbers.

Which folders are created?

Main Palisade folder:

By default, this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Palisade or C:\Program Files\Palisade.

If you already have a 8.x version of our server software on this server, you can skip this step. See What if I already have a Palisade 8.x license on this server? for more information.

If you’re installing your first Palisade 8.x license on this server, even if you have Palisade 5.x-7.x licenses, then you need the 8.x server software. Download the server installer from the link you received in the email and run it as administrator. The install will replace any previous version of the server software, but will not disturb any existing licenses, port-number selections, or other options.

Folders used: If you already have any Palisade software installed (6.x-8.x server software or 5.x–8.x end-user software), the installer will use the existing Palisade folder. Otherwise, the installer will suggest C:\Program Files (x86)\Palisade or C:\Program Files\Palisade for the install, but will let you select a different install folder. NetServer and System folders will be created under the install folder unless they already exist.

The main components of the installed server software are:

Caution: Don't alter any of the files in the NetServer folder, except as instructed in this Guide or by Palisade Technical Support. Our software uses the .lic and .opt files in customized ways that don't always match the standard FLEXnet usage.

FLEXnet Publisher folder:

The folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Macrovision Shared\FLEXnet Publisher or C:\Program Files\Common Files\Macrovision Shared\FLEXnet Publisher holds the FNPLicensingService.exe file, which runs as the service Flexnet Licensing Service. All vendors' lmgrd programs use this file. All vendors' installers will update this file if the new install carries a later version than the existing file.

FLEXlm folder:

Beginning with Palisade Server Manager 7.5.2, the log file is written to C:\ProgramData\FNP\FLEXlm\PalisadeService.log. In older versions of Server Manager, PalisadeService.log was in the Palisade\NetServer folder.

Which services or processes are created?

All of these run as system processes; if you want to find them in the Windows Task Manager, select the Show processes from all users button.

Last edited: 2020-03-27

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