Home → Troubleshooting → @RISK for Excel: Simulation → "Exception of Type PalExcelError" in @RISK 5.x
Applies to:
@RISK 5.x
I'm running @RISK 5.x. When I run a larger simulation with multiple CPU enabled, @RISK uses only one CPU. The progress window shows the master CPU as green, but the worker(s) as red with a status of "Exception of type PalExcelError". What is wrong?
When you select multiple CPUs but only one of them runs @RISK, sometimes the cause is add-ins or startup files that @RISK can't load in the extra copies of Excel.
We recommend that you upgrade to our latest release, because there have been numerous improvements to multi-CPU simulations in several releases since version 5. The upgrade itself may fix the problem. But even if it doesn't, we have more sophisticated troubleshooting tools that work with newer versions of the software. Your Palisade sales office can help you with the upgrade.
If you can't upgrade from your current version, please follow this procedure to make sure that you don't have anything that prevents @RISK from launching additional copies of Excel:
Last edited: 2018-10-09